
NBA2K19 升级档1.06更新说明

分类:游戏资讯 eyeuc.com

NBA2K19 1.06升级档已在各平台陆续更新,更新了部分球员照片以及游戏性的修复。

NBA2K19 升级档1.05更新说明



- 修正了导致最终联赛奖杯和'完美'成就无法解锁Play Now Online中某些用户的问题。

- 修正了Play Now Online中的一个问题,在极少数情况下,错误的用户可以获胜。

- 为交易玩家更新了名单图像。


- 现在,在线上比赛中,当投篮犯规并且投篮时间很短时,投篮时钟应正确重置为14秒。

- 改进了用于内搭和挡拆案例的AI防御开关逻辑。

- 修正了当多次按Steal时导致传球抢断尝试被忽略的问题。

- 解决一些用户在游戏中受伤后会发生的挂起问题。


- 修正了一些用户在退出Ante-Up建筑后报告他们没有为完成的邻居游戏赚取VC的问题。

- 解决了一些情况,当使用面部扫描时,一些用户注意到MyPLAYER肩膀周围有颈缝。

- 修正了在Ante-Up中的队列队列中Voice无法正常运行的问题。

- 使用地铁时,小队旅行现在应该正常工作。

- 玩Dodgeball时改善了球的拾取半径。

职业 - 业余

- 修正了比赛前对方球员有时会在Pro-Am Shootaround中出现的错误。

- 配对改进。


- 用户现在可以选择在玩Triple Threat Online时将对手静音。


- 当共享团队设计时,备用制服现在应该正确上传/下载。

- 修正了在休赛期间,在某些情况下,热区和某些倾向(例如篮下篮球)可能不规则地进步的问题。

- 解决了为先前已分配自定义值的团队进入“高级旋转”菜单时高级旋转设置将重置为默认值的情况。

-  MyLEAGUE Online的稳定性改进。





- Fixed an issue that caused the final league trophy and ‘Perfection’ achievement to not unlock for some users in Play Now Online.

- Fixed an issue in Play Now Online where the wrong user could be credited with the win, in very rare occasions.

- Updated roster images for traded players.


- The shot clock should now properly reset to 14 seconds during online games when a foul is called and the shot clock is low.

- Improved AI defensive switch logic for inbounds and pick & roll cases.

- Fixed an issue that caused pass steal attempts to be ignored when pressing Steal too many times.

- Address a hang that would occur for some users following an in-game injury.


- Fixed an issue where some users were reporting that they were not earning VC for completed Neighborhood games after exiting the Ante-Up building.

- Addressed a case where some users noted a neck seam around their MyPLAYER’s shoulders when using a face scan.

- Fixed an issue where Voice was not properly functioning when in the squad queue in Ante-Up.

- Squad travelling should now properly work when using the Subway.

- Improved ball pickup radius when playing Dodgeball.


- Fixed a bug where opposing players would sometimes show in the Pro-Am Shootaround before the game.

- Matchmaking improvements.


- Users now have an option to mute their opponent when playing Triple Threat Online.


- Alternate uniforms should now properly upload/download when sharing team designs.

- Fixed an issue where hot zones and some tendencies (e.g. Shot Under Basket) could progress irregularly, in certain conditions, during the offseason.

- Addressed a case where Advanced Rotation settings would reset to default when entering the Advanced Rotations menu for a team that had previously been assigned custom values.

- Stability improvements for MyLEAGUE Online.

Many other small bug fixes and adjustments were also made, game-wide.

NOTE: All patch fixes will work in your existing game mode saves.